
It is proposed to reduce frequency of information exchange between tax bodies
At the regular sitting of April 11, the Parliament debated the draft law on making amendments to the protocol of December 11, 2009 on the electronic exchange of information on the paid amounts of indirect taxes between the tax bodies of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. It was presen...

Legislative initiative aimed at preventing domestic violence debated
In the second reading, the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and Restoration of Family Solidarity authored by the MPs Zaruhi Batoyan, Sona Ghazaryan and Tsovinar Vardanyan of the NA Civil Contract Fact...

Parliament debates issues regarding ratification of international documents
The MPs, continuing the work of regular sittings, adopted the legislative initiatives debated in the previous days by voting.The draft of the NA statement on delimitation and demarcation between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan proposed as a result of the debate on the urgent t...

Aim of initiative is to ensure transparency of activities of temporary accommodation center for asylum seekers
By making addendum to the law on Refugees and Asylum, the Government is planning to increase public control over the living conditions of asylum seekers’ housing, as well as the possibilities of exercising their rights in dwellings. The Head of the Migration and Citizenship Service of the RA Ministr...

Vache Terteryan: Target of project will be a 65% decrease in energy consumption with an estimated saving of 275 million AMD
The financial contract between the Republic of Armenia and the European Investment Bank Yerevan energy efficiency phase two was signed on November 29, 2023. According to the contract, the European Investment Bank provides Armenia with a loan of 25 million euros to support the improvement of sustaina...

Viewpoints on Implementation of RA Government Programme for 2023
In their speeches the deputies expressed different assessments on the implementation of the RA Government Programme for 2023, made comparisons between it and the programme of measures of the activity of the Government for 2021-2026, presented their ideas on developing our state, taking out of the di...

Sargis Khandanyan meets with delegation of Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden
On April 11, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Sargis Khandanyan met with the representatives of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.The Head of Division for Eastern Europe of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Emil Gelebo, the Desk Officer of the Ministry...

Hripsime Grigoryan meets with representatives of Foreign Ministry of Sweden
On April 11, the Head of the Armenia-Sweden Friendship Group of the National Assembly Hripsime Grigoryan met with the delegation led by the Head of Division for Eastern Europe of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Emil Gelebo.The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sweden to the ...

Babken Tunyan: Economy grew by 8.7% in 2023
In 2023, the economy grew by 8.7%, which is quite a high indicator. During the last three years, the real growth of the economy of the Republic of Armenia was 29.5%, the average annual growth was 9.8%, which is higher than the target set before us: The Deputy Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on...

Debate of report on performance procedure and results of RA Government programme for 2023 continues
We’ll continue the reforms specified by the Government, and among them, perhaps, the most important one is the insurance. On the previous year the concept was accepted, and in the near future we’ll also present the legislative package to you. The RA Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan said this, pre...